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FDA approves new MMJ based medicine

Marijuana hypocrisy

Earlier this month, the Food and Drug Administration granted approval for a new medicine which is based wholly upon THC, the main psychoactive cannabinoid in Cannabis. Syndros is an orally administered liquid formulation of the pharmaceutical cannabinoid dronabinol, a pharmaceutical version of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) approved for use in treating anorexia associated with weight loss in patients with AIDS, and nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy, in patients who have failed to respond adequately to conventional antiemetic treatments.

Breaking the science down to a basic level, scientists synthesized the THC molecule and have been using this cannabinoid in a variety of FDA approved medicines. Considering THC is the main cannabinoid found in MMJ, this should support the argument that there is a medicinal value in the plant. Before explaining the relationships between the Cannabis plant and FDA approved medicines, we first need to erase any connection in our minds between this form of synthesized THC and what is being reported on the news as Synthetic Marijuana (aka Spice, K2, ect).

The reports you see on the news of Synthetic Marijuana overdoses has absolutely NOTHING to do with Marijuana or any part of the Cannabis plant. The product being reported on the news is produced by mixing a variety of chemicals to concoct a potent solution, which is then sprayed onto smokable leafs. The chemical makeup and the physical / neurological effects have no commonality to Medical Marijuana. The only similarity is the word Marijuana. This is an attempt to confuse people and create fear, it is unfortunate.

Marijuana Cannabis Cannabinoids molecules

Fortunately, there is real science being done with the Cannabis plant. The United States is not the leader on research or in Cannabis based approved medicines but the FDA has approved a small number of medicines and there are a sizable amount of studies waiting for the chance. If you're wondering, what is the difference between the FDA approved medicines and what the Medical Marijuana stores offer, we've got your answer.

Discussing this topic with any MMJ advocate, you will hear the words, "whole plant medicine" quite frequently. Popular Science reported that despite its name, this "liquid Marijuana" lacks many of the important components of natural Marijuana, and therefore has a much weaker effect. One of the drawbacks to Syndros is its lack of “the entourage effect.” THC is just one component of Marijuana, but it's the combination of all Marijuana’s components that give the drug its sought-after medicinal effect. Without other cannabinoids and terpenes to react with, Syndros’ effects are muted.

This is fairly common. Many patients who have been prescribed the FDA approved pills report a much different effect than when using Medical Marijuana. At the root of the solution in both cases, you'll find THC. This is a compound that occurs naturally in the Cannabis plant. It has been proven scientifically to offer benefits for certain conditions. If you are looking into and considering a THC based option to improve your health, which do you think would be safer for you, the man made version or the nature made version?

Seniors MMJ Network

We feel that the greatest benefits could be achieved through whole plant medicine. We've had experience with the FDA approved forms and would agree that the perceived benefits were greater with natural Cannabis. The point we wanted to illustrate today is that, even a government who classifies Marijuana as having no medicinal value, they hold a patent on it and they also approve new medicines based entirely on the unique compounds found within the plant. Hopefully the double-talk is apparent for all to see and this in itself should spark your curiosity to seek out more information and make an educated decision for yourself.

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